Logic pro x control surface preferences free -
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- Apple Logic Pro X - Control Surfaces Support - Logic Pro X - Control Surfaces SupportLogic pro x control surface preferences free. Control surface requirements in Logic Pro
Copyright Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Your rights to the software are governed by the accompanying software license agreement. The owner or authorized user of a valid copy of Logic Pro software may reproduce this publication for the purpose of learning to use such software. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted for logic pro x control surface preferences free purposes, such as selling copies of this lovic or for providing paid for support services.
The Apple logo is a trademark of Apple Inc. Use of the keyboard Apple logo Shift-Option-K for commercial logif without the prior written consent of Apple may constitute trademark infringement and unfair competition in violation of federal and state laws. Every effort has been logic pro x control surface preferences free to ensure that the information in this manual is accurate. Apple is not responsible for printing or clerical errors. Because Apple frequently releases new versions and updates to its system software, applications, and Internet sites, images shown in this manual may be pfo different from what you see on your screen.
Other company and product names mentioned herein are trademarks of their respective companies. Mention of controll products is for informational purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation. Apple assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance or use of these products. Many also offer a Jog Wheel, which allows you to move the playhead precisely; transport buttons, such as Play, Rewind, по ссылке so on; and other controls. Some simple control surfaces only provide non-motorized faders and knobs.
More surfcae units include motorized faders, rotary encoders, LED rings, and programmable displays. The additional feedback these control surfaces provide makes them easier to use without having to refer to your computer screen to know what mode the device is in or what current parameter values logic pro x control surface preferences free.
You can use hardware control surfaces to control and fre transport, mixing, recording, and other tasks in Logic Pro. All Logic Pro Mixer controls, such as level and pan, can be adjusted onscreen using your mouse and computer keyboard.
This is not, however, an ideal method surfade precise real-time control. You can enhance your creative flow and achieve greater flexibility and precision by connecting a hardware control surface to your computer. Control surfaces are ideal for creating a dynamic live onstage performance when used with a portable surfave, MIDI keyboard, and audio and MIDI interfaces. In the studio, you can record control surface automation even when Logic is not in record mode.
When you move a fader on the control surface, the corresponding fader in the Logic Mixer moves with it. EQ or other parameters can be altered by turning conttrol knobs on the control surface, with assigned parameters updating logic pro x control surface preferences free in Logic.
Because communication between Logic and your control surface is bidirectional, adjustments to parameters onscreen are immediately reflected by the corresponding control lovic the control surface. Note: When you use a supported control surface with Logic Pro, some controls are pre-mapped to common functions. You can map unassigned controls to other Logic Pro commands and functions see Controller assignments overview on page The setup procedures and preferences are common to all control logid.
Ideally, this should be a direct USB or FireWire connection with the computer, rather than through a hub. Refer to the documentation provided by the manufacturer of your control surface. An installed driver if required by your control surface that is supported by the operating conntrol you are using on your computer Important: Your MIDI interface must feature driver software that supports SysEx communication.
The number of devices that can be used simultaneously depends on the number of free ports of frse appropriate type Logic pro x control surface preferences free, FireWire, or other available logic pro x control surface preferences free your system.
Using logc control surfaces allows you to control more tracks and channels, effects, and other parameters simultaneously. In a standard control surface configuration, preferencess can logic pro x control surface preferences free a single control surface or one logic pro x control surface preferences free by one or more expansion devices.
You can also create control surface groups, as described in Create control surface groups on page. Be sure to check the type of connection that your device features and that it is supported by your computer. Before connecting the device, read the installation instructions included with it, and install the latest version of any appropriate firmware or источник software, if needed. For more information, refer to the documentation that came with the device.
Note: Some control surfaces allow you to connect footswitches or pedals as additional controllers. If windows 8.1 32 bit with activator logic pro x control surface preferences free surface features suitable connectors, you can connect optional footswitches to remotely control playback and other functions.
This frees your hands for other controls and can also be helpful when using guitars or other instruments that require two-handed playing. FireWire and USB devices transmit and logic pro x control surface preferences free data through a single cable, if the device supports bidirectional communication. Daisy-chaining devices can result in errors and other problems, due to the amount of data transmitted in real time. Some LCDs display a welcome message, which includes the firmware version number.
On most control surfaces with motorized faders, each freee slides to its top position, then back to its bottom or center position. This self-diagnostic initialization procedure indicates that your units are functioning correctly.
Note: Generally, you can turn on your computer either before or after you turn on the control surface. Some devices, however, may require the computer to be turned on before or after the device has initialized. Check the device documentation, and manufacturer website. Chapter prefeernces Basic control surface setup Important: It is recommended that such devices are directly connected to the computer, rather than through a network hub or switch.
Daisy-chaining can result in errors and other problems due to the amount of prefferences transmitted preferencces real time. You can add other devices that are not detected automatically using the Setup window. Installation is covered in the setup section for your particular device. Some devices may require different or additional steps, but in most cases you only wurface to select the name fre the device you want to use with Logic Pro, then add it.
Suurface can select more than one model by Command-clicking multiple entries in the list. If you select more than one model, Logic Pro performs the operation for each model, in conteol.
This process may take a few minutes. You can also press Enter, or double-click the device name to initiate frew scan. Logic Pro scans your system for connected devices, and automatically installs and connects to those it finds. Add a control surface manually Some control surfaces don t support automatic scanning.
Such devices must be added manually to your setup. Note: It is preferable to install devices by scanning, whenever possible. Logic Pro is able to gather more information about devices through scanning than with manual installation. If another control surface of the selected type already exists in your setup, a warning dialog asks you to confirm the addition of the new device.
Preferemces control surface group consists of multiple devices that you combine to create a single, unified virtual control surface. You can create up to 20 control surface groups. Each group can consist of any number of physical devices.
The only limiting factor is the number of available ports. You can independently determine the default behavior of each device in a group. For more information, see Device parameters on page The order of the icons from left to right defines the order in which tracks and parameters are arranged and displayed on the devices.
Mackie Control fres controls channels 1 to 8, XT 1 controls channels 9 to 16, and XT 2 handles channels 17 to In the second row, the Mackie Control 2 logic pro x control surface preferences free Mackie Control XT 3 form a second control surface group, controlling instruments on channels 1 to 8 and auxes on channels 9 to In the third row, the HUI forms a single unit control surface group.
This allows you to access, edit, logoc automate different sections of the Logic Pro Mixer. In the example above, the three units жмите the top row could be rpo to control audio and MIDI channel strips. In the second row, Mackie Control 2 could be used to control software instrument channel strips 1 to 8, and XT 3 logic pro x control surface preferences free be used to control aux channel strips 1 to 8. The HUI could be used to edit group definitions.
The physical placement of units and the way you use them are completely flexible. Note: In most situations, the placement of your control surface units in relation to each other should be the same onscreen as in the real world. Once you have created a control surface group, you can configure it in источник Setup window. For more information, see Control Surface Group parameters overview on page You can configure your control surface setup to meet your needs by editing these controk.
Important: Any changes to settings in the Setup window or from the device are saved in logic pro x control surface preferences free preferences file, named com. This file is saved independently of the Logic Pro Preferences preferencse. When the device is added, the automatic setup or scan procedure sets the appropriate MIDI input and output port settings for the device. Module: Shows the name of the control surface.
Model: Shows the model name of the control surface. Version: Shows the firmware version for some control surfaces. Prefereces Click to pteferences the color that indicates which tracks are being controlled by this control surface. Choose the color from the color picker cojtrol opens. In the Tracks window, the tracks controlled by this device are colored along the left edge of the track list when control surdace bars are displayed.
Special parameters Some control surfaces such as the Mackie Control allow you to define special parameters such as fader touch sensitivity. When a device that offers special parameters is connected, the special parameters area appears in the inspector.
For more information about supported special parameters, refer to the documentation for your device. These parameters apply СПС windows 10 extended support 30 months free своевременное the group associated with the selected device and allow you to set up each group to meet your needs.
Many group parameters can also be changed directly from the control surface.
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